Thursday, May 13, 2010

Palco Academic Workshop

We had a nice gathering together at DCC. People working with the palco project at LIAAD, CRACS, INESCPorto, UTM, Faculty of Science (DCC), Faculty of Economics and also Masaryk University (Brno). João Carvalho from the PalcoPrincipal company was also there. Presentations by students (except Lubos, who was presenting work of his students). We had recommender systems, incremental approaches, dealing with background information, ontologies, audio processing, tags processing, social networks, clustering, client-side event handling.

Here are some of the presentations:

Luís Lemos

Beatriz Mora

Marcos Domingues

João Marques da Silva

Lubos Popelinsky

Hugo Dias

Bárbara Amorim